Day: April 27, 2011

Review: Orbx – FTX: YBCS Cairns International Airport

Orbx FTX have been developing superior ‘scenery’ for FSX for some time with the wonderful FTX Australia series and are now producing enhanced air ports for that continent. The latest addition to my library is the superlative Cairns which is a major tourist resort city in Far North Queensland, Australia. As I have noted on previous occasions is that with all the ORBX FTX scenery if you are not careful you can spend more time on the ground than in the air as there is so much to see. Make no mistake, Cairns is another phenomenal detailed add-on that makes for great flying in FSX. in addition, it fits seamlessly with Orbx’ FTX – Australia AU GREEN, as you would expect it to. It is a great place to navigate, and it is ideal for VFR flying, and the Great Barrier reef and the rainforest hinterland beckons on every flight. To see everything in great detail I used the A2A Cub, the default Bell, Carenado Baron B58, and the ubiquitous ‘ORBX BOB’ as my exploration vehicles. I’ll say this yet again, every time you open this scenery, you will discover something new. I also used the latest freeware scenery for Murray Island, Queensland situated in the Torres Strait, north of Cairns.

Preview — Aerosoft Dimona X GPS

httpv:// It’s not the first time a preview video looks like a tutorial. This one fits well with introducing the Aerosoft Dimona X GPS features.

LatinVFR – Las Americas – MDSD

httpv:// Complete your Caribbean sceneries collection with Las Americas, the capital city airport of the Dominican Republic. LatinVFR did its best to design realistic surroundings

Corfu Intl. Airport Screenshots

You may have already seen the screenshot beside, taken from the preview of Mega Corfu X. The title developed by LiVEinFSX reveals also Aerosoft will

Drubair real time flight tracker

Aleix Casagolda would like to introduce its free flight tracker, Drubair. Made to work online only, the web service starts as an open beta, looking