V.I.P. days in Brussels this Saturday!

Would you like to have your hands on this V1000 pit from VR Insight or on another of many pieces of gorgeous FS specific hardware or maybe test-fly the new A-10C Warthog in style?

You can do so  in Brussels this coming Saturday at the SimWare V.I.P. Days that will take place in  their very own  show room

All the info in their press release after the break.

“SimWare Simulations organizes its next…

Saturday March 19, 2011 — Brussels, Belgium.

Lots of hardware and software products will be available for demo and hands-on test!
There simply nothing better than trying before buying !

Among others, SimWare Simulations will have the following configurations running :

* V1000 Pit (VRinsight)  Exclusivity!!
* jDome   Exclusivity!
* Airbus Series Evolution Vol.1 & Vol.2 Exclusivity!!
* A-10C Warthog Exclusivity!!
* YSCH – Coffs Harbour Airport (Orbx) Exclusivity!
* T500RS (ThrustMaster) & Gran Turismo 5
* F/A-18E Superbug
* Buttkicker Gamer 2
* XTOP Pro Flight Panel
* Hotas Warthog
* Flight Master Yoke
* Prop Cockpit Trainer

V.I.P.Days are being held in Brussels – Belgium, in the SimWare Simulations show-room.

More information available at http://www.simw.com.”