New airport and enroute charts!

We received an interesting information from Navigraph : the charts “hunters” can get them easier in one center place, the nDAC software of Navigraph.

These charts are regularly updated and of high quality for best readability. They’ve just expanded their airports coverage and number of charts. Don’t forget the needed credits can be purchased at simMarket.

“The airport charts and enroute charts available for download via the nDAC software have now been updated. The NOV10 revision has been replaced by the FEB11 revision (batch #23). More information about the coverage can be found on

The number of airport charts are now 28,690 (previously 28,112), in a total of 1,378 airports. The new and revised airport charts are distributed over 294 airports worldwide.

Including this expansion of the coverage there are 66 updated enroute charts in total. The majority of the enroute charts covering Europe, Africa and Australia have been updated.”

The Navigraph Development Team