Day: December 25, 2010

Drzewiecki Design – Polish Airports vol.2

Three airports of Poland have been bundled in this package, featuring seasonal and night photoreal textures, conditional animations and special effects. There’s a demo to

Aerosoft – US Cities X – Las Vegas

Being the fastest growing and most attractive city in US, LimeSim decided to make a FSX rendition of Las Vegas published by Aerosoft. Once installed,

FranceVFR – Alsace VFR for FSX review

The latest regional scenery release from FranceVFR is Alsace VFR for both FSX and FS2004. This review is of the FSX version.

Occupying the north-eastern most corner of France this scenery covers approximately 10,000 sq kms and includes some beautiful landscapes. Of the 26 regions it is the fourth smallest and has a population of just over 1.8 million inhabitants.