Day: December 24, 2010

Review: MSK’s Karachi Jinnah international airport

Look west, and tell me what you see? I tell you what I see. I see airports everywhere. A map, filled with pushpins all over Europe, even the US. Now look east. What do you see? You’ll agree with me that you see mostly desert and mountains. Even the desert and mountains you see don’t look very spectacular. The reason is simple: The Middle East and Asia are rather forgotten in Flight Simulator. Many of the big airports got an addon for them, like Singapore, Hong Kong (old and new) and Tokyo. Speaking of Tokyo, Japan is the only country in Asia to have been very well covered thanks to the efforts of Overland. Let’s take a few steps back, though, back to the Middle East. While most of the Middle East is, literally, desert, the real Middle East still has some life in it. In FS, the Middle East is about as welcome a destination as a big pit of broken glass. Why? Because there is hardly any scenery for it. Is there scenery for Jordan? Syria? No. No scenery that is of truly high quality, anyway. There is quite a lot of scenery for Israel, but that’s about it. We have one scenery for Iraq (Baghdad), and that’s where most of the effort ends… until now.

Flysimware- Animated Gates America Canada

Flysimware sells Animated Gates for FS2004 as 3 regions products covering West Coast, Mid America Canada and East Coast. At each airport included, you’ll see

FSX Real ATC Missions opened

Fabrizio Migliola informed us he opened his website dedicated to real ATC missions for FSX. You can download them for free and enjoy ATC chatter