New Add-On at Ian & Sharon’s: Hayley

Our very own Ian Pearson and his wife Sharon were gifted with a new Add-On today by the name of Hayley!

ATA for Hayley Version 1 was 0242 and her landing weight was 5lbs 13oz.

We wish to congratulate the parents on their new baby girl and wish them the best ever for the future! Well done guys!

0 Responses

  1. Where´s the update?
    I can´t find it in my account.

    Download via MT Communicator is´nt possible either.



  2. While I congratulate the developers on their recent release, I’d like to stress how disappointed I am that my pre-ordered model hasn’t arrived, or I fear even been dispatched.

    After so many release dates came and went, I expected more!

    Wish you well guys, speak soon.


  3. Sorry, wrong comment above.

    Congrats to the parents, who soon will be availible at night now. 🙂

  4. Congrats !
    I hope Sharon and Ian could sleep just the maximum possible on the past days, because from now they will understand why it was needed to do so 😉
    Seriously, take the best of each minute, they grow fast !

  5. Sleep? What’s sleep? Hang on… I seem to remember that, a while ago. Wasn’t that something people used to do at night? 😉

    Thanks folks. 🙂

    I think there was an issue with the update to MTX on the simMarket server, Boerries. Hopefully now the server works again, so does the update!