simFlight will be in the 5th Mondial Simulation

The next Mondial Simulation exposition will take place again in Paris Le Bourget Air and Space Museum from tomorrow through Sunday November 28th.

There will be conferences, and the new and latest  soft- and hardware for FS2004 and FSX; Some editors of simFlight will be there taking notes and photos for you!

Look at the event website and program here: Mondial Simulation.

0 Responses

  1. Yesterday I went to Le Bourget with a friend of mine. The exposition is interesting even if the best part is the Le Bourget Museum. For the first time in my life I have the opportunity to see, “touch” and visit the Concorde! I’m very exciting like a little child when finds gift under the tree during Christmas 🙂
    I visit the B747-200 too and the C47 Dakota…. fantastic! Last but not least important the Air France A380 parked at Paris CDG! A “beast” even if the “Queen” remains the 747 😛

    Honestly I have only some “things” to say about the “french host”…. probably they are not so happy if you are English, Italian or of any other country and you don’t speak French…..unfortunately we found some “scorbutic people”, irritated when we asked “Do you speak English?”…. no, this is not good for a “Mondial Simulation Exposition” 🙁