5th Mondial Simulation

“With more than 8000 visitors every year, and thanks to our dynamic exhibitors small and medium entreprise, companies of the public sector, groupings of vocational training, ” intelligent ” and interactive animations, the “Mondial de la simulation” knows a striking success from its first edition.”

Our unique concept in Europe – the simulation in all its variety – continues to make new followers and benefits from a wide cover of the media which support and encourage us. “
“Professional tool, ” serious gaming ” or means of entertainment, find more than 50 exhibitors who approach the simulation on fields of application so varied as:
Aeronautics, sea, river, road, railroad transports, construction, electronics, military engineering, vocational training …
To the program!
Pilot a plane, experiment the flight under air control, compete for a race of F1, block a supertanker, fight aboard a tank of 1940, or drive a train: everything is the affair of the simulation, without that the space or the time are an obstacle.
Besides the big successes which make the fame of the “Mondial de la simulation”… (platforms multiaxes6Dof, simulator of Apollo XI, cockpits of planes real size, flights in network, virtual airline companies, simulation of a flight in Concorde or in Airbus, simulators of racing cars, sea and river navigation, locomotive, etc.)
…new exclusivities are expected for the edition 2010: two-seater cockpit of the famous American helicopter Bell 206, mixed cockpit plane / helicopter, cabin ” full motion ” of R22, Honda Riding Trainer (simulator of motorcycle), simulators of Formula 1 …
Practical information:
Date: 26 – November 28th, 2010
Schedules: 10 hours-18 hours
Place: museum of the Air(Sight) and the Space – Paris Le Bourget
Services: parking lot – Restaurant / snack bar
The exhibitors 2010
In order alphabetical, list stopped in 23/09/10*
_ Aérokart www.aerokart.fr
_ Aerosoft Gmbh www.aerosoft.com
_ Air-Cockpit http://air-cockpit.superforum.fr
_ Altair Engineering www.altair.com
_ Aviatorsoft www.aviatorsoft.com
_ Avionic Online www.avionic-online.com
_ Check Six www.checksix-fr.com
_ CIRAS Créteil www.univ-paris12.fr/ciras
_ CIRFA de Saint-Denis www.defense.gouv.fr
_ CRAM-IF www.ffam.asso.fr
_ Didier Martias Informatique www.dmartias.fr
_ EFSC www.efsim.com
_ F1 Concept www.f1concept.fr
_ Fafzone www.fafzone.fr
_ France VFR www.francevfr.com
_ HAIDF http://haidf.free.fr
_ IFAIR www.ifair.fr
_ IVAO www.ivao.fr
_ Microfly www.microfly.it
_ MicroSim www.micsim.com
_ Norsim www.norsimasso.org
_ Playseats www.playseats.fr
_ Prosimu.com www.prosimu.com
_ Renaud Emont www.a320.fr
_ Reneco http://lvdc10.ifrance.com/lvdc0135/carnet01.pdf
_ Revolution Simproducts www.revolution-simproducts.com
_ Rhône Alpes Simulation www.rasasso.org
_ SimEmotion www.simemotion.com
_ SimWare www.simw.com
_ SIRPA Air www.defense.gouv.fr/air
_ SIRPA Gendarmerie www.gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr
_ Suboceana www.suboceana.fr
_ Virtu’ ELISA www.elisa-aerospace.fr
_ Volez www.volez.com

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