DBS Studio – Follow Me Service for FS2004

With the FS2004 version of Follow Me Service from DBS, you can call anytime from any airport for the ground service to guide you, from the runway to your gate, from the gate to the departure point, or to the refueling area for instance.

The FSX version is still here.

0 Responses

  1. I bought this version last week.
    Although it’s a great idea, the current version for FS2004 is very buggy.
    There are issues with the settings (to control the default speed of the Follow Me car) and issues with the posistioning of the Follow Me car at non-default airports (ie: Follow Me car trundling along on the grass). Often the Follow Me car disappears, or announces that it will arrive in 20479 minutes(!).
    Hopefully the developers will issue an update, but at the moment the 2004 version isn’t that good.

  2. Hello
    After being driven mad by DBS airport GPS alternating between working/not working and suddenly becoming unregistered, I broke down and bought a laptop + widefs to run FScommander on.
    DBS are clever guys but they need to get one program working properly before the release anything else.

  3. I’ve also found that support from DBS is virtually non-existent.
    So, a buggy program and lack of support. They may be clever programmers, but lack of customer confidence is not going to make them popular!

  4. Strike my last comment regarding clever programmers.
    The update for FollowMe 2004 just broke it completely, so not very clever programmers at all!
    I’m beginning to feel like I’ve wasted my money on this product.

  5. I have not had any sucess with DBS products. Walk and follow for FSX is a joke and i cant get and support. A purchase for DBS is mony down the toilet
