Emulation Technology — GarSIM GNS530

They have done it. What started as a project just for himself has now grown into a commercial product. A hardware copy of the Garmin GPS GNS530. Connected to your second output of your video card and the original software from Reality XP is like a real GPS. All functions like the real GPS are therefore supported. More information at Emuteq website.

0 Responses

  1. Received my unit a few days ago – awesome! 99.9% like the real thing.
    Let me know if anyone wants some more information. Well worth the investment.

  2. Hé David, nice to hear. I’m thinking about it right now. I hope they come to the FSWeekend in the Netherlands. So i can see it in real life. And i have to think about a second videocard in my PC for the screen setup. Could you send me a picture of yours cockpit setup ? Thanks.