Day: June 8, 2010

Screenshots Collection

“We announce the launch of a new website where the flight simulator pilots can post their best screenshots from the virtual flights. It can be

Carenado’s FS2004 C185F Skywagon

Carenado have released their much requested C185F SKYWAGON for FS2009. It has a “….. Polygon-optimized model , friendly fps, original HQ digital stereo sounds recorded

Durban 2010 King Shaka

Especially built for the Football World Cup 2010 in South Africa, Durban King Shaka Airport (ICAO code FALE) opened on 1st May just a few

Free Space Flight Simulator Released

Here’s an interesting press release from Dr. Martin Schweiger of the University College of London, where they have developed a PC Space Flight Simulator that

SBD Dauntless From Vertigo

Vertigo Studios has released an SBD Dauntless for FSX. “…… The SBD Dauntless was easily the most famous US Navy bomber of World War II,