Paul Golding and Dreamfleet

If you’re not new to FS community, you must know about Dreamfleet company and its members Paul Golding and Lou Betti. But you may wonder also about Lou’s activities in the FS World. Asked about it, his friend Paul has discussed this point in Flight1 forum, writing also about his personal and Dreamfleet activities. A 727 project for FSX is still in his hands, just it may not be under Dreamfleet brand when released.

0 Responses

  1. Thanks for posting this Sebastien. I, and I’m sure many others, have wondered what had happened to Dreamfleet. IMHO, I feel that there GA aircraft were the finest being made for flight-sim, and would love to see them upgraded to FSX. Bless Paul Golding for taking the time to respond to the post that you have brought our attention to.

  2. I had kind of hoped for an A36 version for FSX, but we’ll see what the future brings. Good to see some still around.