SimAviatik’s Full Motion Platform

If you feel the 130.000 Euros for the fully encompassed 737 moving simulator is just a tad over your budget, then here’s a deal that might still attract you: just get their 23.000 Euro motion platform, and build the rest of your dream plane yourself !

“….. The Full-Motion Platform enables the simulation of the aircraft movement around 2 axis. This is achieved via two electric motors. The freedom of movement encompasses around 25 degrees along the pitch and roll axis. The base of the platform, constructed from steel, offers the highest stability during operation of the simulator. The motion comes completely fully assembled tested, with motion controller, motors, cables. Connection to your Flight Sim PC with RS232 Com cable.(included)….”. Available through simMarket here (call for delivery agreement first).

0 Responses

  1. Will this fit under a king sized matress? Oh wait a few drinks can do the same.

  2. oh yes only 23.000 euros…for that price i can travel me and wife for one year.