BN-2 Islander From Flight1

Flight1 have just released the latest aircraft from their hangar — the BN-2 Islander — which is now available by download. “…… Developed over two years with the help of real-world Islander pilots and operators, this exciting simulated version is a full-featured FSX release, including technologies such as cockpit self-shadowing, HDR bloom effects, and bump mapping and DX10 compatible external and internal visuals…..”.
“….. The BN-2 Islander is a British light utility aircraft, mainline airliner and cargo aircraft designed and originally manufactured by Britten-Norman of the United Kingdom. The Islander is one of the best-selling commercial aircraft types produced in Europe and although designed in the 1960s, over 750 are still in service with some 50 commercial operators around the world. The aircraft is also used by the Army and Police forces in the United Kingdom and is a popular light transport with over 30 military aviation operators.

The Islander’s simple and rugged manufacture makes for daily operation in and out of rough grass and unprepared strips — as short as 300m — in all-weathers. Indeed, its twin-engined reliability, 30kts cross-wind limit and IFR cockpit fitment has seen the Islander operate the only regular daily transport in the Scottish Western Isles in weather that has even the local sheep running for cover!

Whether you want to operate simulated inter-island transport, feeder airliner flights or just simply have fun in this all-purpose aircraft, the Islander is certain to put a smile on your face.

Full information on the product is available here and the download is available now at $39.95….”.