FSX + MCE = FS 11? New Version is out!

The title of this post is not my invention, the developer of MCE – Multi Crew Experience is advertising with that question on the products website. The reason for this post however is that the product was updated to Version 2.1. Unfortunately the developer does not tell anyone what is new in this version, so it is up to you to try it out via the demo available on their website.

“MCE is a speech recognition based add-on that allows the flight simulator enthusiast to fly the heavies in a simulated multi crew environment. Issue commands to co-pilot, go through the checklist, etc…”

Our review of this product is here and you can purchase it at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. Highly recommended by me – even for GA planes since it lets you interact with ATC via voice (and this works like a charm).

  2. Interesting – I was put off this product because it seemed to be pretty much only for airliners. I recall reading a review which said that most features were disabled when flying anything smaller than a 747 😉 As a single engine prop pilot in FS, is there enough to make it a worthwhile purchase? Answers on a virtual voice-activated postcard please!