B-17 Accu-Pack From A2A Simulations

A2A  Simulations have redesigned their B-17 Flying Fortress from their FS9 version and are now offering it for FSX. “…. Without a doubt, the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is the most-recognized and well-known aircraft to emerge from World War II. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which was an aggressive publicity campaign by the War Department, which resulted in the superb wartime classic propaganda film “Memphis Belle” (not to be confused with the modern film of the same name), and a year-long tour of the United States by the actual “Memphis Belle” and her crew….”. It can be had here on simMarket.

For those simmers wanting the utmost realism, they are also offering their Accu-Sim pack. In short, that means that by adding this software package to your base B-17 you will now have to manage ALL bits and pieces as in the real thing, and not doing so will result in damage… and worse. Your Accu-Sim add-on can be found here at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. I don’t fly without Accusim anymore. This is the most inovative module for FSX so far, and will certainly be for few years again.

    It pushes the simulation really farther.

  2. I have to agree with the above… A2A have really pushed the bar up higher again with this one, it’s an absolutely superb add-on. I just wish I could make one landing – one, teensy-weensy, little, landing – without getting pained noises from someone in the crew.

    Sorry guys! 😀

  3. Landing – simples! Gear at 174mph, reduce power to 20″ (or more depending on weight). On short finals, with runway assured and speed around 130 lower first stage flap, and land using that. Speed naturally bleeds to around 100-110 mph and you grease the t/d, which is no more than tail-low, do not try to three-point. Never use full flap unless runway length demands it, there’s a pitch change that affects AOA and at slow speed the IAS decays too fast and the wheels tend to drop the last few feet, and the FE moans. And you can always shoot the beam gunner, nobody would miss him…
    Got to love realism in Accusim!