Sky Blue Radio and IVAO

Jeff Turner of Sky Blue Radio reports that they’ll be “…. presenting a live Flight Simulator in Focus show on Saturday April 3rd, 2010 at 1800z. Join Richard Rudd and special guests IVAO Public Relations Director Vybhava Srinivasan and Events Director and Deputy US Director Eric Olsen as they explore the future of Flight Simulation and the place of IVAO…..”.
“…… Listeners will also have a chance to put their questions and/or comments to either Vybhava or Eric via the Sky Blue Radio website.
If you have a question you would like to send in now for the show then please email your question with your name and location to fsinfocus (at) skyblueradio (dot) com

Tune in with Wee Tune Beastie in your cockpit com2 radio on 123.45, through the Sky Blue Radio website or through the Sky Blue Radio link in the Vroute software…..”.