Day: March 26, 2010

FenceBuilder Pro Free Demo Available

Don Grovestine, author of the excellent FenceBuilder Pro package, has now provided us with a FREE demo of the utility. It will do almost everything


SimTouch Products Revealed

Now available on simMarket are the SimTouch products SimTouch Plus and SimTouch Lite. “…… Using any touch screen monitor of any size, SimTouch is an

SimGiants 50% Discount

As most of you may have seen already in the large bright orange box on the right, SimGiants is offering a 50% price reduction on

FSGenesis Mesh For Russia

Here’s some more news from Justin Tyme at FSGenesis. “….. Spring 2010 production kicks into high gear with the release of three new terrain mesh

C-46/DC-6 On Video

Yet another video from Just Planes released, this one featuring the Curtiss C-46 and the Douglas DC-6 in their natural habitat. Just Planes write “….

Drive A Bus

Now available on simMarket, for our German customers, the latest City Bus Simulator add-on. This comes as a download product from Aerosoft. ‘Regiobus Usedom’ moves