Honolulu International From FSDreamTeam

Umberto Colapicchioni of  FSDreamTeam reports that he is “….. pleased to announce the release of Honolulu International Airport. Available for FSX and FS9, with a license valid for use in both simulators. Finally, after many years of waiting, there’s a new high quality offering for the main Hub in the beautiful Hawaii….”.
“…… As with previous sceneries, the FSX version comes with the new FSDreamTeam scripting engine, with realistic SafeGate docking system available for the ParkMe function, and YouControl features to control several scenery animations.
The scenery is available in trial version, and can be freely downloaded from FsDreamTeam website here….”

0 Responses

  1. I’ve been waiting for this PHNL scenery for a while now. It’s a very unique and great airport to fly into in real life, and now we have something close to it for FS. I think FSDreamTeam does a great job with their sceneries. This latest one should be nothing less than awesome!