Chinese Aviation Industry Growing

China does a lot more than manufacture cheap toys, as you may have gathered by now. “….. China will deliver eight domestically designed private business aircraft to Laos next year, in its latest effort to find a niche in the international aviation market.
The Xiaoying 500, or “Eaglet 500,” passed dynamic tests of seat and restraint systems Monday, indicating the first China-made light aircraft had met international standards and was ready for export, said sources with the designer in Xi’an, capital of northwestern Shaanxi Province….”. Read the entire press release here.

0 Responses

  1. Yes, you are right. LOL they do a lot more than manufacture cheap toys. NOW they’ll manufacture cheap aircrafts and using bad business ethics they’ll make everybody else lower the prices. Isn’t that what they did with everything else. I guess it’s good for most of us since we’ll finally be able to afford cheap luxury which only few rich enjoyed.

    I remember watching a BBC interview of some german CEO stating the only reason he visits Canton business exhibition was to see which one of the products they have copied this year. Can’t remember the name of the company but they manufactured industrial bearings.
