Day: December 7, 2009

Dublin Intl for FSX: Preview Screenshots

‘FlyWonderful Islands‘, of Spanish island airport scenery fame are almost ready to release the scenery of Dublin International Airport (Aerfort-Bhaile-Átha-Cliathand) for FSX. They say: “In

FSFlyingSchool 2010

FSFlyingSchool has renewed and expanded its existing products. FSFlyingSchool 2010 is now available on simMarket, with a discount for users of the previous version. Additional

Focke Wulf 190 From Classic Hangar

The German Classic Hangar has published a ‘new’ Focke Wulf 190 on simMarket. “…… Included in this Flight Simulator X add-on package are renditions of Podcasts

The folks at Mycockpit sent us the following “…, the worlds largest community for home cockpit builders is proud to announce its very own Podcast,