Lockheed Martin Licenses ESP

ms_masthead_ltrThrough one of the former ACES Studio members, Tim Gregson aka Beatle, we learn that Lockheed Martin has reached a licensing agreement with Microsoft on the use and further development of ESP (what basically was Flight Simulator X for all intents and purposes). LM already had a vested interest in the product, starting to build sims with it under an earlier ESP program. More info can be found at a Microsoft press release here.

0 Responses

  1. This isn’t the first big name to jump on the bandwagon (if there even is a bandwagon). MS is willing to kill their studio, but is still willing to go our and push their product. Hmmm.

  2. Where MS finds big $$$ vs the high cost developement of a product such as FSX, it will go…

    FSX for aviation amateurs who are a niche market is not profitable…

    Selling its engine for professional training is surely more $ making

    Now the competition is bigger between the approved version of XPlane and ESP