Day: November 27, 2009

FSAddon Releases FenceBuilder Pro

Francois from FSAddon Publishing reports “……. Yup, we’ve finished it and FenceBuilder Pro for FSX and FS2004 is now available on simMarket and will also

Simaviatik’s Cockpits On simMarket

The Swiss company Simaviatik is making and selling mostly-finished cockpits. We sell them on simMarket now, and frankly we expect to sell a few hundred

Enhanced New Foundland Airfields

Daniel Louvet of ‘VFR Short Fields’ has released yet another ‘default airfield’ enhancement package, this time presenting 3 airports in NewFoundland; CYYT St John’s, CCV4

FS2Crew/Wilco News

Bryan York of FS2Crew reports that his Voice Commander for the Wilco feelThere 737 Pilot in Command has now been released. “…..Attention 737 PIC drivers,

‘Discover Europe’ Announced

Robert Stallibrass of the Banbury, UK based First Class Simulations reports on an upcoming title of them. “….. Hot on the heels of Around the

Caloundra, Australia, by John Hockings

Australian Publisher Orbx has released yet another airfield in the region, Caloundra (YCDR). They write “…. This charming location lies at the southern end of