FSGlobal 2010

FSG2010cover_HRStefan Schaefer from Austria has now published his latest version of FSGlobal, his global mesh replacement program for FSX and FS2004. Stefan writes :… A wider expansion of accurate data has been achieved for most parts of Scandinavia, North America, Siberia and Iceland with resolutions to LOD 12. Corrections and sharpened edges have been corrected to improve the graphic quality for mountainous areas making them appear even more realistic. 6 double layer DVD´s will be included in the package…..”. Available only on DVD’s, from simMarket here.

0 Responses

  1. On what disc/s can I find North America & Asia? I only want to install those areas not all ’cause my PC might overload if I install them all.

  2. Hey, there!
    I’d like to know if this release, FS Global 2010 includes the high fidelity mesh of Lukla (without buildings, etc.), as seen in the Lukla X release.
    Please respond also at adrian.armas@yahoo.com.au