AFS Sukhoi SU-27

SU23_3Another new entry in the simMarket shop is the SU-27 from Andreas Meyer, aka AFS Design. Unfortunately the product page that Andreas provided is totally useless (yes, I am getting grumpy again!) as to understand what the FS2004 or FSX models entail, so I took the liberty of copying a list from the user manual (click on Read more…….). The AFS Design ‘Flanker’ is available here from simMarket. (or HERE if you are still stuck to FS2004).

“….. Include single seat and two seater, as well as formation flight model with 4 Sukhois.

Further details:
– Detailed outside and interior model inclusive animated virtual cockpit
– Highly soluble textures with surfaces reflecting
– Extensive light effects (e.g. Navigation and landing lights)
– Numerous animations (e.g. canoby, move in gear with spring system)
– Animation of all tax flaps (e.g. airbrakes and spoilers)
– Realistic flight dynamics (inclusive different trim steps for optimal trim)
– Formation flight model with four Su-27
– Complete functioning autopilot
– Avionics for radio navigation
– Engine animation inclusive thrust reversing and afterburner
– Completely functioning virtual cockpit from view of the pilot…. “.