Christen Eagle From IRIS

Christen_EagleIRIS has released its FSX version of the Christen Eagle aerobatics aircraft. It includes two visual models, a custom soundpack, flight models for the Eagle I and Eagle II models (kit sport or competition aircraft) and a wide variety of paint schemes. It used 3D gauges in a virtual cockpit (only) and can be admired at simMarket’s on-line shop here..

0 Responses

  1. This is almost the “Bo Derek” of the sim-flight scene. A “Must have” if you like fun flying.

    I waited three years. I critiqued the beta almost beyond decency. (Sorry David Brice…). I flew (wobbled) around the sky for hours on end, trying to find fault with the flight dynamics (they’re far better than I can ever hope to comment on.

    I’d write a review on this plane, but if you have the slightest interest in sporty flight in the sim, then the only two words needed are “Buy Now”.

    Of course I could critique this plane. But there is absolutely nothing that matters as far as this addon is concerned.

    Like I said… “A Must Have”

  2. Coming from you Chris, that means a lot, given the repaints and hours you have spent in the FS9 version…

    That is one XXXX of a recommendation there, IRIS…

  3. Hmmm… I just realised, although most of us simmers are averaging 50+, there are a few younger ones out there, who might not know a Bo Derek if she fell on him. She was a “10” in Dudley Moore’s book in the film “10” (Who’s Dudley Moore? That’s another story!)

    I could also say the Eagle is a “Torville and Dean”, but that wouldn’t mean much to you youngsters either. Nor would a Sophia Loren help you either, or a Melina Mercouri…

    So just imagine your 200% most favourite “star” (set gender to suit your taste) and then think about the Christen Eagle from Iris – it’s better… by far.