MDX8 Soundpack From TSS

TSS MD80 X promoTSS from Denmark reports that he is (yawn…) ‘…. proud to announce the TSS MD8X JT8D Soundpack for FSX….”. Sorry folks, this simmer is not into sounds (actually I wear earplugs when riding my motorbike and turn the flightsim sound down to get allowance from the wife to ‘play’ ….. !). But, realizing your mileage may vary, here’s another great new product bringing you the noise an MD-80 (former DC-9)  can make when opening up the throttles. Turn up your volume, blow away the neighbors and have loads of fun with this latest TSS sound package !

Available from simMarket, the FS add-on retailer that has the best sound in the business!

0 Responses

  1. Once again a soundset I can comment on its realism. I’m sorry to say but this is NOT how the MD-80 sounds inside the flight deck! For example the engines are way too loud and do not sound right either. It might be fine outside, but like their MD-11 soundset these internal sounds are far away from reality.
    Why TSS always gets praised as “high quality” and “outstanding” (not only by Simflight) is beyond me. They are just not real at all, inside.


  2. Miguel, Here is another brilliant so called “news item” from your editor francois.

    TSS from Denmark reports that he is (yawn…) ‘

    YAWN???? First of all we don’t need to know that you find posting news boring! secondly this already suggests that you either find posting news about TSS sound sets boring or don’t like the them. Anyway news without these kind of comments would be much more acceptable.

    .”. Sorry folks, this simmer is not into sounds (actually I wear earplugs when riding my motorbike and turn the flightsim sound down to get allowance from the wife to ‘play’ ….. !).”

    WHAT??? Do we really need to know he is not into sounds. WHY now? why can’t you find the time to post your likes and dislikes on the forum. WHY on TSS news!!!!

    Miguel what are you guys trying to do ? from what I understand your website news posting must have been boring so you got this clown to fresh up news on your website. Well he is doing a darn good job.

    Nothing but negative vibe coming from this news post.


  3. Same comment as to your other posts. And by the time you TOO are a 30+ year veteran of flightsimming, you may call me a clown *grin*.

    Oh, I have a tip for you, by the way: stop reading simFlight! Better for your blood pressure it seems 😉

    Now, onto more serious things….

  4. I am 30+ you are not the only person to clam being vetern Flightsimmer from the early days. I’ve been around before this website existed and few bunch use to hang out on service boards.

    Anyway, yeah not good for my blood pressure. I have read simflight before you started your FSaddon and joined simflight.

    You seriously should move your negative sarcastic lil jokes out of the News to the forums. how hard is it to just post what the real news is….

  5. …. talk to my boss …. until then I remain the one to decide what jokes can and cannot be made on simFlight and elsewhere. Not my fault when you have a chip on your shoulder, mate.

    But in one thing I agree.. I rather have these discussions in the forums… and NOT have ‘comments’ open on the news section. Doesn’t really serve a purpose in my opinion.
