Day: August 21, 2009

City Bus Sim 2010 stopping 3Q 2009

‘Hello, you must be Carlos…’ .. and Carlos is you, the bus driver in TML’s upcoming title ‘City Bus Simulator 2010 Vol1: New York’. Not

BFG GeForce GTX295 Reviewed

Hilbert Hagedoorn sent us one of his graphics cards reviews again. “….  BFG have worked their magic again and teamed up with the guys and

Kodiak, Alaska, Missions For The Quest

Another couple of missions from Combat Planes Inc. “…… Alaska Kodiak Adventures for the Quest Kodiak adds five missions flying in Alaska in Lionheart’s Kodiak.

Flying the SR-71 Blackbird

If you want to know more about the legendary SR-71 Blackbird, then you should pay attention to this press release: “…… Don’t miss this month