AOPA News tells us that “….. Tecnam from Italy introduced its twin-Rotax-powered P2006T to the crowds at EAA AirVenture. Its base price is $409,000 with analog instruments or $469,000 with the Garmin G950 glass cockpit suite. Once fees are added for importing the aircraft from Italy, the total price becomes $500,000. The aircraft was designed by 85-year-old Luigi Pascale, the designer of the former Partenavia, now known as the Vulcanair.
The P2006T looks very much like the Vulcanair. The fuel burn is 10 gph total (5 gph per engine). The Garmin G950 is making its first appearance as the avionics suite for the P2006T. Other aircraft using the G950 system will be announced in the future. The G950 can be adapted to several models of autopilots….”.
There’s another tecnam LSA aircraft featured in the June issue of the AOPA Magazine, the Tecnam P92 Eaglet. Read more here.