Northern Microlights UK Scenery


Accent’Sim today released Northern Microlights for FSX on simMarket. “…. Northern Microlights is a ‘first’ by author Neil Birch, adding some 40 ‘farm fields’ to the northern part of England. He built a lot of additional objects to give the area a more local look and feel. The farm strips are extensively documented and fun to find. The product works best together with Horizon Simulation’s (photo) VFR Scenery, but can be used without it too. Hours of fun trying to locate the small fields with their typical English ‘life’on it!….”.

Find Northern Microlights here at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. I have recently purchased this from Neil and it is an excellent product. It addresses the areas of FS so often overlooked, namely the light GA front of simulation. Being a qualified pilot myself with over 100 hours on light aircraft, I can honestly say that like in real life, looking for these farm strips is just as challenging in the simulator. They realistically blend in with VFR scenery and utilise the terrain mesh to give the full experience of slopes and hills which can be rather challenging during the flare to landing, but it does help in the braking action when landing uphill. Used in conjunction with a farm strip guide, this product helps all pilots alike realise how difficult farm strip flying is, but also emphasises the fun of it. If you are a seasoned GA pilot or wannabee in training, then this product will ceratinly help to maintain skills as well as help in the learning toward VFR flying and navigation.

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