An FSX Tomcat From Italy [update]

DC-TomcatDino Cattaneo, known from his excellent Goshawk, has now released the first version of his F-14D Tomcat for FSX. He writes on his blog “…..  Ok, here we go. First public release of the Tomcat. As it is partially incomplete, the release number is 0.9. For now, it will only be available for download here. The model will work with FSX:Acceleration ONLY. Please report any installation problem you may have asap. Have fun! …”. Knowing the quality of his work, fun we will have, no doubt. Mille grazie, Dino!

[update]: Holger over at simFlight.DE published a dia show of the aircraft -> CLICK

0 Responses

  1. Francois, thanks for sharing the new.

    And yes, I’ve updated the files – for several reasons the first public release was still preliminary and has been updated several times according to users feedback. At the moment I’m writing the latest version is 0.94

    And, no big deal, but my surname is spelled “Cattaneo” (with double T)