L-4, the floating grasshopper!

9700_L-4F14Attention historical & vintage  aircraft friends, Flight Replicas have released their rendition of the L-4 GRASSHOPPER FLOATPLANE for FSX which you will want to have if you are the owner of their previous L-4 GRASSHOPPER package, reviewed on simflight earlier by Chris Brisland. The L-4 is nothing else then the military version of the J3 Cub, that might be more familiar to most.  “L-4’s on floats were used in almost every theatre of operations in WWII (perhaps most notable in Italy, following the Salerno landings), and their history parallels its wheeled version in many areas. This expansion pack is designed to complete the original L-4 package, which can be found here, although it is also a complete stand-alone package in every regard.”