CRJ-200 Under Development For X-Plane

xasigCameron Bowerman of X-Aviation writes us that he is “…. proud to announce our new video preview of the CRJ-200 for X-Plane. This aircraft is the most detailed CRJ-200 for any flight simulator yet and will model full systems, have a 3D cockpit and cabin and hundreds of animations! You may view the new preview video here and view more photos of the CRJ-200 project as it’s developed over time here….”.

0 Responses

  1. WOW! I can’t believe how fluid the motion and movement of the aircraft is in X-Plane compared to FS9 and FSX! It seems like this will be a great add-on for X-Planers

  2. Nice, X-Plane may be the future. It’s nice to see this kind of stuff being created for it. Imagine if PMDG get’s in the game as well as FSAddon…

  3. Not to be a killjoy — because this plane is clearly beautifully modeled — but as I understand it, X-Plane still has a long way to go before the systems programming functionality is even remotely on par with FSX. The video contains some beautiful renders, but I’ll be curious to see if X-Plane can live up to them.

  4. Bill, have you not seen the videos? It’s not a rendered model, there are in-game video’s of the CRJ, and it looks great!