New Kid On The Block

Scenic Airstrips is a new FS designer, stating that “….. Hanson is another first for Scenic Airstrips, now including ground photoscenery. Hanson includes one airstrips situated in Montana, North America. The airstrip is based upon the real 0MT6, Hanson, Montana, using ground photoscenery and custom designed objects.

The key to the scenery created by us here at Scenic Airstrips, is that all runways are not placed using tools such as ‘AFCAD’, they are just default flight simulator terrain allowing you to get the most realistic experience in Flight Simulator. With none of the flat default runways used, you will be landing on not only bumpy runways, but runways that curve as well. Using this scenery will really test your flying skills!….”.

Available from simMarket’s on-line shop !
