MegasceneryEarth Available

megasceneryMegascenery of PC Aviator in the US announces further photoscenery as part of their quest to cover the world.  They now “…  offer you the opportunity to fly the entire state of California – all 164,000 square miles of it – in high resolution photo-real detail. Created from high resolution aerial photos, California state in MegaSceneryEarth lets you see everything  you would see in real life, but  from your Flight Simulator X cockpit…..”.

The scenery is sold at bits, allowing you to spend as little or as MUCH as you like, depending on the area covered. Even though half a cent per square mile doesn’t sound like much, the ‘world’ is a pretty large surface ! The advertised California alone would amount to some 820 US dollars !! Yikes!

More info available on their site.

0 Responses

  1. The title of their scenery should be “California Incomplete”. They claim on their website and in their email campaign that you get the whole state. This is false and misleading. The truth is, even with the SO Cal Megascenery X on the south end of the state, So Cal Mega X does NOT cover all of Southern California, so in truth, its California Incomplete. Just looking to let the readers know that is you plop down a couple hundred dollars, don’t be shocked when you don’t get the entire state.