LROPS – Oceanic Air Traffic Explained

lrops-3oceanic100x100Too bad for the visually inclined amongst you, but with the latest addition on simMarket, the LROPS NAT Series, there is nothing to see. Well, not until you donwload the pdf files that LROPS delivers. “…. This is a collection of three oceanic files available from LROPS. What they cover are:
1) The basics of oceanic airspace
2) Understanding a North Atlantic Track Message
3) Offsetting within NAT airspace

The Oceanic series is related to procedures carried out in the NAT (North Atlantic) region and gives information for flight planning, controlling and flying within the NAT region.
These three files aren’t a heavy read, each document is fairly brief (being no more than four pages), but give in depth information and procedures of each of the titled topics.

The LROPS range  is to give virtual pilots the information and knowledge they need to simulate real world operations as much as they can, which will lead to long haul flights not being as boring, as awareness of cockpit and flight plan procedures will give pilots new tasks to conduct, which they didn’t know about before…..”.

Available now from simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. All that Info can be acquired for free from the dedicated gander FIR on vatsim aswell. Shame to put such information on sale really.

  2. Must be the economic recession.. people try and sell everything these days 😉 Come to think of it, I’ve got a few superfluous and very interesting FS98 titles laying around… anyone interested ????

  3. This is the most absurd thing I have ever come across when it comes to squeezing money out of flightsimmers – really! Go find the information at either VATSIM or IVAO – there is excellent documentation there.