Day: February 16, 2009

Deltasim Sails On

Here’s another wonderful boat from Deltasim, a “…… 55 feet sailing yacht with animated parts like: mainsail with boom, foresail, ropes, cleats etc. This model

Ron’s Bigfoot Missions

Ron Jeffers has been playing with missions and stuff and now brings us ‘Bigfoot’. “…… Have some unusual fun as a bush pilot in several

French Chateaux For FSX

A new scenery developer from France is showing us some beautifully detailed ‘chateaux’ and reports “…… France Touristique Scenery is a new company set up

Galaxy GeForce 9800GTX+ Reviewed

Guru of 3D has looked at yet another graphics card. “…… The Galaxy GeForce 9800GTX+ graphics card tested. Galaxy recently released this product, custom PCB,

Portuguese ATC Event

Pedro Diogo reports “…… On Saturday 7th March 2009 Portugal vACC will be hosting the Lisboa Real Ops event. Lisbon Airport is located in Portugal’s

New Online Courses From Jeppesen

Jeppesen announced the release of its “…… new Private Pilot Online course. With the launch of this program Jeppesen continues to expand its innovative training