German Army BO-105 Freeware Helicopter

bo-105Dirk Stuck of Germany built a German Army BO-105 PAH helicopter for FSX, as freeware. He writes “……I’ve worked 5 months on this BO version and everybody told me to make it payware but I decided to make it as a freeware for you. If you like to make a donation for my work just send me an e-mail, I would be very gratefull.…”. The BO can be found here.

0 Responses

  1. Hello Dirk,

    I am trying to locate an old friend i met in Germany back in 1981. His name is Dirk Stuck. He had a yellow car and was stationed at Lechfield air base across the road from where I was stationed.

    If you are the same Dirk Stuck, played guitar, and remember an American soldier named Doug or his girlfriend Manuela Martin, please let me know. I was trying to locate Manuela and see how she was doing.

    If you are the same Dirk… Hello to you also buddy. If you are not the same Dirk, then I apologize for bothering you. The reason I asked you is because when I typed in your name, up popped the airplnes and Lechfield is an airbase in the German Army. I did the math.
