Guru3D Tests 285 Graphics Cards

guru3d-285Hilbert Hagedoorn of tests “…… the GeForce GTX 285 from eVGA (SSC edition), Inno3D (Overclock edition) and Point of View (EXO edition). The new new GTX 285 is a product based off the GeForce GTX 280 yet now fabricated on a smaller 55nm fabrication node. ….”.
“….. Next to an already in-depth performance review we’ll also go a little extravagant as we’ll also test 2-way and 3-way SLI performance based on these GeForce GTX 285 cards. So if interested (of course you are, except when you’re using FS) you better grab yourself a cup of coffee, and click on the URL please, to visit read the 24 page article….”.