Messerschmitt Promo Video

fl1-109-0011Flight Replicas has been selling their BF109 JMeeserschmitt’s for some time now. Flight1 reports they have a new video showcasing their models.  “….. The Messerschmitt Bf109 was flown by the three highest scoring fighter aces of WWII, outperforming both Spitfires and Hurricanes in vertical climbs and dives…..”.
“….. The iconic foe of the Allied air forces in WWII, the Messerschmitt Bf-109 was the staple fighter of the Luftwaffe. It scored more air-to-air victories in WWII than any other and was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with over 31,000 built.

As shown in the video, this superb package from Flight1 brings together F, G and K types of the 109 in a vast array of model variants, each sharing a meticulous attention to detail: the start-up sounds are totally authentic, the pilot is accurately clothed and even prop blades alter their angle according to prop settings.

With incredible 3D modelling, including the gauges in the virtual cockpit and a flight model authenticated by warbird pilots and you have a classic you will want to fly again and again!

The video can be viewed here…..”.