Year: 2008

Aerosoft’s New Flight Planner

Aerosoft just released a new flight planning tool, Flight Operation Center. According to their description it is “…..  a highly sophisticated flight planning tool incorporating

C-130 X-perience Upgraded To 1.3

Tanya Kucher, the lovely press officer of Captain Sim in Russia, informs us that “…..We are pleased to announce the ‘C-130 X-perience’ upgraded version 1.3

Sim Giants Releases El Hierro

Sim Giants Ltd. released an airfield on a not-so-giant island, El Hierro. “…… El Hierro, nicknamed Isla del Meridiano (the “Meridian Island”), is a Spanish

X-Plane Trees From Aero-Files

Simon Nordental in Iceland writes “……. X Plane 9 Forests offers you a high quality real life colors for your vegetation in the game, and

Focke-Wulf Triebflügel

Jose Pena of PRE-Flight reports they have released another free add-on model for their RC sim, the Focke-Wulf Triebflügel. “………  The Focke-Wulf Triebflugel’s tailsitter design Linked to Technorati

Since we’re now technically a ‘blog’ we can also get ourselves listed in the Technorati pages. See our Technorati Profile here. Technorati is a collection

It’s not easy, being green……

A well-known song from Sesame Street. So what have Patty Wagstaff, Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton in common? They’re all women, yes. They are also

German Airfields Box 2

Aerosoft has released a second box with their German Airfields title. This one is for the ‘Nordlichter’. “…..Not only does this scenery give you 15

RealScenery X-Plane News

RealScenery announces “……. the release of all new scenery covering the entire State of Florida, USA! The new Florida scenery is available as two separate

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