Flight1 Releases A Mission Maker Too

f1-instantmissionAfter having had the very popular (and affordable) FSAddon FSX Mission Editor on the market for some time, there now seems to be a choice for consumers : “……Flight One Software is proud to announce Instant Mission Maker, an easy to use tool for making Flight Simulator X missions created by the developer of Instant Scenery and Airport Facilitator X. It allows designing a wide range of missions using a very intuitive GUI and offers live preview and editing of many mission objects directly in FSX. ….”.“….. And if you would rather be flying, the built-in random mission wizard can instantly generate random missions sending you on various assignments in all corners of the world.

To use Instant Mission Maker, you don’t have to know anything about making missions. No need to write XML, copy files around or deal with cryptic names and numbers. You just build the mission step by step and describe what should happen, like writing a movie script. Instant Mission Maker offers a wide selection of easy to use building blocks for the mission. You can add voice prompts, require the user to perform certain actions in order to proceed with the mission, create and control AI aircraft, ground vehicles, static and mobile scenery objects, trigger equipment failures, show fires, smoke and explosions and add many other elements. Instant Mission Maker can be used with both FSX standard and deluxe editions.

For more information, screenshots, and to download this exciting new tool please visit the Instant Mission Maker product page….”.

0 Responses

  1. I bought the product now and made some first tests. On the one side the concept is quite nice, BUT the procuct still seems to be full of bugs and not working functions.

    Thats a pitty, because I would need this product for creating some serious missions. But in so many cased the product works absolutely non-deterministic. And many things cannot be parameterized.


    Rudolf Siebenhofer, AUA373

  2. I second this. I have both products, and while the F1 MM is nice – when you need to do something quick and dirty, nothing comes close the FSX ME, if you want control over your mission building, this is the only tool. Jim also delivers excellent support.