Arrrrghhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

As you can (not) see most of our images belonging to the posts are gone!  Mea culpa and the simflight editors are going to crucify me for it!

I was calmly upgrading WordPress, the engine behind the site, when i made a quick but fatal mistake….. you don’t want to know details! I am now keeping my fingers crossed that our host can retrieve yesterdays backup of the site and help us out ….. bear with me and sorry!

A demotivaded Admin….. (no more, oh joy!)

UPDATE:  Got it all back! Thanks to the guys at Dreamhost! Phewwww… i am a happy camper now!
PS: now Editors, pleaaaze get those news flowing again! 🙂  and you, the User, please shoot any news to us at, thanks!

0 Responses

  1. what’s wrong with the ‘ghastly stupid little monster avatars’ now? they are not just that btw, they do serve a higher purpose: ‘MonsterID is a method to generate a unique monster image based upon a certain identifier (IP address, email address, whatever). It can be used to automatically provide personal avatar images in blog comments or other community services.’

    you can read all about it here:
    and you can always build in your own alternative in your profile.

  2. I want Miguel’s strange alien thing, although mine’s strangely appropriate for the time of year. I’m really not so sure about Mr. Womack’s though!

    We can hardly complain too much about WoW, with the amount of time some of us spend watching numbers tick down on a navigation display. Oup! Nearly at ToD, need to reset the CDU altitude… 😉

  3. i was just lucky, it’s pure computer magic, e.g. higher entities decide upon your avatar.. these probably enquire the state of your soul before drawing up the avatar.. do not ask me how.. who am i to know? 🙂