Guru3D Buyers Guide 2008

Guru3D offers you their annual PC Buyers Guide, the 2008 Christmas edition was just launched. “…. This article brings you a set of recommendations of products we feel are great components to build yourself a nice gaming rig. ….”.

“…… Mind you that I deliberately said Gaming PC there as it is our focus, that and being budget aware. We break down this article in three segments, low-budget, mid-range and high-end. Guru3D’s guide will only cover the box. Monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers are not included….”. Read the article here.

0 Responses

  1. I thought that adorning technical publications with huge-breasted ‘girlies’ went out in the 1970’s? Or is this some sort of deliberate retro look?

  2. Good grief, no!!! You need to see some of the PC magazines on the shelves in the UK – the only way you can differentiate them from the “lads mags” on the shelves is by the title!

    …and don’t even mention car modification magazines. 🙄

  3. Must be ‘deliberate retro’, yes, that’s it ! After all it is Santa’s little cousin.

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