Ariane Promises To Improve

India Knight from Ariane Studios reports “…… Things are changing at Ariane. A range of brand new products and new support policies is being introduced. We hope to make the Ariane experience a lot easier and more welcoming. My name is India Knight and I will be leading the change and looking into the way we present Ariane as well as the way we register products (issues such as reactivating loyal users for free are already up and running)…..”.

“….. We have made the process of using and registering the product a lot easier as many people have been finding out with the new and full featured Boeing 737-800 X2.

I will be heading up a new support team of people, people dedicated to do whatever they can in the months ahead to help you with your products and to offering updates as well as support you need for FSX (issues like PC tips for Vista Flight and white papers on how to use some of the features will be some of the free items we aim to offer).

If your desire is to continue flying FS9 into 2009, we will also be supporting FS9 with new products as well as the accompanying support too.

We are developing a new loyal user gold card scheme for the new year which we aim to be made available to everyone along with the promise of a gift for new FSX product purchases this Christmas and a new email center almost ready for launch will change the way we make contact and keep you informed.

Our aim is to tailor more toward customer satisfaction as well as to garner new ideas from pilots to help make the whole experience of simulation a more satisfying and rewarding one.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times. I hope to meet you on our forum to hear your ideas as well as your views.  Thank you for your support. I wish you a good season to come.

India Knight
Support and Customer Liaison……”.

More info here.

0 Responses

  1. This is good news since my only real issue was that of the pricing, and the associated supporting business models being leveraged at the time. I have recently purchased the 737-900 and 800 x2 products and was truely impressed by the effort in the details. Having said that I look forward to a new vision on how things maybe done from Ariane Studios. One suggestion — open the FORUM to the general public for marketing and an exchange of ideas. Again my best hopes and wishes to an improved Ariane Studios…

  2. I have the 900EX for FSX and I would love to see the pdf manuals that come with the software not to be locked where you can’t print them out.I would have to spend another 50 dollars for the printed manuals.I have never seen a software company do this.

  3. Three things:

    1. I won’t buy products where I have to pay for liveries.

    2. Some objective reviews on the main sites would be helpful.

    3. Positive statement that Mr. Tishma is no longer involved.

  4. It’s not the money… Good products cost money and I still believe the product is good, but: I have plenty of e-mails from Ariane stating every problem I have is related to FS9. Nice… So i’m left behind with 2 aircraft V3, not being updated ever (stupid as I was paid another 10pound for update service).
    Im RL pilot, flying for a national airliner, having said that I almost got extra charged for being ‘professional user’.

  5. Ariane is always good for some comments, no matter what news they publish. They must be doing ‘something’ right because they get more publicity than ordinary publishers.

  6. Bought the FSX 737-900 ER X version only 4 months ago, finding out recently that the X2 version is a lot improved. As a X version user i expected to be able to upgrade to X2 for a reasonable price, but no thats not the case, i have to pay the whole amount again ??! No way, pmdg here i come !

  7. I do have the money to buy it but unfortunately, I cannot invest in a software product that will be stuck with my hardware. If I change my motherboard I lose the product, If I change my hard drive I lose the product, etc. Also you cannot reach them. There is no way in their site that we can talk to them. Support is a collection of FAQ. No mail, no forum for the general public as said above. I have a notebook as I guess a lot of flight simmers have. Would I need to buy twice to install the plane on it ? A lot of questions so few answers… Finally I didn’t like the way they approach their clients always suspicious of their movements like as if people were there to stole their products. Although I recognize that piracy is a problem nowadays I’m still wayting to see some real statistics on how much they cost to the industries.

  8. An interesting development on this news item. It seems that there is definitely a need for Ariane to change, if the responses here are a guide.

    Locked manuals and secure installations can be a nuisance. Pricing is also a sore point between buyer and seller. I am also saddened to see that people might consider the worth of a good model, but not want to pay for a good texture. Even the painter needs to eat if he is on the commercial team. As does the dynamics guy or the instruments modeller.

    Let’s see how the new team and the new policies at Ariane work out.

  9. One reason for not paying extra for liveries is that by charging to use another company’s copyrighted logos, paint and identity, you are seriously breaching their copyright…

    This is one area that I’m sure Ariane is very aware of the history of within the FS world!

  10. i bought the product although it is excellent, after almost 24 hrs i stil have not received my activation keys, this is rediculous in an ecommerce age . Customer support is poor in regard to this aspect and despite the price which would scare off a lot of people the custome r service and the respponse times fior a small company are rediculous.

    get the custome service improved and actvation time shortened to instant , you have my money i want to enjoy it right away not after 2 days.

    pmdg wil always rule

  11. It is so disheartening to read this stuff, guys.

    Mainly because I just went and bought their 800-X2.
    I love the Boeing 737 series and have been flying them for years and will continue to.
    I bought the Ariane Version 1 737 and had the most troubles I’ve ever had with any add-on. I ended up cracking a wobbly and when it went wheels up due to a video card driver upgrade, I never used it again.
    I’ve now gone back (because I can’t wait another year for PMDG) and looks like I’ve fallen for the same trap twice.
    3 days since I asked for activation!
    I have wasted another $130 of my good hard earned money. What do they say about a fool and his money…….

  12. I see this statement goes back almost one year!
    Quite frankly it appears to me as a tissue of lies, i have just purchased the 737-800 x2 and 24hrs later i have no activation! Just shokking treatment of customers this!
    Apparently there is a manual to help you decipher the onerous task of activtion, i have yet to find it on my system! A nice chap at simmarket sent me a download link for it so i could follow the correct procedure.

    I purchased this through simmarket, with whom i have a large ammount of respect an trust for as an orgnisation, i appel to them to remove the Ariane products from their shop, as quite frankly this is reflecting bad on Simmarket also!