Another Free Space Shuttle Mission

SSM2007 Space Shuttle Simulator
SSM2007 Space Shuttle Simulator

Exciting Simulations “…… has released today a new Service/Mission Pack for the Space Shuttle Mission 2007 simulator.  The download includes several changes, fixes and adds new special effects, and of course, a new mission — STS-51A…..”.
“….. STS-51A is still hailed as the most daring and complex Space Shuttle missions to date.  During STS-51A, the Shuttle crew deployed the Anik D2 Canadian telecommunications satellite and the DoD SYNCOM IV-1 Defense Communications Satellite. The crew also retrieved PALAPA-B2 and WESTAR-VI, two malfunctioning satellite. To retrieve the satellites, Missions Specialists Joseph P. Allen and Dale A. Gardner used Manned Maneuverable Units (MMU) for retrieving the satellites while Mission Specialist Anna L. Fischer controlled the RMS for capturing and stowing the defective satellites in the Shuttle Payload Bay. There are a number of surprises in this mission — just as they were back in 1984.

In the best SSM2007 tradition, the budding astronauts will experience first-hand the historical liftoff, On-Orbit ops including the satellites deployment, MMU space walks, capturing and stowing satellites, Deorbit, Reentry and manually Landing the Shuttle at KSC……”. Mor einfo here.