Day: October 6, 2008

Radeon HD 4840 Reviewed

Guru3D’s Hilbert Hagedoorn tested and reviewed the HIS Radeon HD 4850 ICEQ4 TurboX.  “…..A very lovely mid-range Radeon HD 4850 graphics card that comes pre-overclocked

Checklist Manager By SEA

Michele Giandomenico has built a ‘Checklist Manager’ for FSX. Competing with a few other products in the market, this one is claimed to be working

B-24 From Flight1

Alphasim’s second appearance in a Flight1 box is the B-24. “….. Five authentic aircraft are included the B-24J, ‘Satan’s Gal’, B-24D, ‘Hellsadroppin II’, B-24G, ‘The

Carenado Launched Its New Skylane II

Now available for FSX this fully ‘re-designed’ model of the ever-popular Cessna 182Q Skylane II. I did a lot of flying miles in its FS2004

German Helipack 2.01 From Flightport

Jörg Dannenberg from Flightport mentions the Version 2.01 of Helipack is now available for download. This is scenery for helicopters made by the ICARO team