German Airports 2 X

Aerosoft writes “……It has taken the GA-Team more than a year to create a new dimension in german airport sceneries. This Addon includes the following airports: Cologne/Bonn, Hannover, Dortmund, Munster/Osnabruck and Leipzig…..”.
“….. The German Airports Team shows that their reputation is well deserved. As most airports has been undergoing many modifications but this scenery shows the airport exactly as it is at this moment. All buildings, lighting systems, navigation beacons and of course the layout of taxiways and runways have been recreated to perfection. This Addon includes the following airports: Cologne / Bonn, Hannover, Dortmund, Munster / Osnabruck and Leipzig.

Airports included:
* Cologne/Bonn
* Hannover
* Dortmund
* Munster/Osnabruck
* Leipzig/Halle

Now available on simMarket for your enjoyment……”.