Eaglesoft Cirrus SR22G2/G3 Turbo Package For FSX

Ron Hamilton reports that “……Team Eaglesoft, is pleased to announce that their Cirrus SR22G2/G3 Turbo Package for FSX is now available for purchase! Completely rebuilt to the FSX SDK using 3D Studio Max and fully FSX/SP2/DX10 Compliant the Eaglesoft Cirrus SR22G2/G3 Turbo Package includes both G2 and G3 Turbo models with all the latest features of its counterpart…..”.

“…..Revised Avidyne Entegra Turbo Avionics and reduced FSX draw calls help this one to perform very well in FSX. New Turbo flight Dynamics by Rob Young round out the package.

More information and screenshots may be found in our support forums and on our web site….”.