Victoria CYYJ 2008 For FSX

Don Grovestine has released his freeware CYYJ 2008 Victoria airport (to be found on the major freeware libraries), which fits the wonderful Victoria+ freeware product by Jon Patch. As Don writes “…..It is compatible with UTX – Canada (FSX), with UT Canada/Alaska and several other FS9 add-ons including Victoria+, and VIVA Base, but none are required. CYYJ (2008) is provided in a single load module with installer……”. Check his website here.

0 Responses

  1. Is SimFlight too cheap to files? Or is it a get-rich scheme Miguel Blafuks devised to get the most from Flight Sim’s hobbyists?

  2. It was Don’s choice to put the files where he put them in the first place. Furthermore simFlight has decided long ago that it doesn’t make sense to try and duplicate freeware libraries that already exist.

    Ummmm… what was YOUR website again ??? 😉

    Francois (note: not Miguel).

  3. semen fursov: it would be good if you would first learn how to express yourself correctly in a public forum! secondly it would be great if you would turn your brain on (if such exists) before letting everybody know your twisted thoughts.

    how do you bring this news item about a freeware scenery that has nothing to do with simmarket (wake up ding ding!!) together with a ‘get-rich’ scheme?

    how can you show so much hate and disgust with so little words?

    where do you know Miguel Blaufuks from to say such a thing? has he done anything to you personally?

    how frustrated can you be you in your life, is it that?